Work with me

Hello! Let´s work together!

TravellerHannah is a fast growing travel blog that has steadily gained followers since its creation in Feburary 2015. The blog is aimed at budget, solo and independent travellers, or anybody aspiring to become one. When travelling, I am interested in cheap or free authentic cultural experiences, and ways to engage with locals.

This blog is the ideal place to promote your travel product, service or brand to independent travellers.

Why work with TravellerHannah?

I offer an honest, straight-forward and budget-focused approach, that my readers value. I am a French graduate with a First Class Honours degree, and write in a professional, engaging way. Have a read.

I will provide you with marketing on the TravellerHannah blog, as well as social media promotion on my Twitter and Instagram accounts and my Facebook page. I have over 3000 followers on social media.

TravellerHannah has been featured on TripAdvisor, Hostel Geeks, Dame Traveler among other sites.

How can we work together?

  1. I can review your hostel or travel product or service.  Take a look at my accommodation reviews.

    Have you just opened a hostel? I will come and stay and write a detailed review full of photos on my blog.
    Have you just launched a new product? Send one to me and I will test it out and post an honest review on my blog.
    Have you designed a new travel app? Check out this example of what I can do for your company here.

  2. You can feature my travel photographs on your website, or purchase them
  3. You can advertise your travel product or service on TravellerHannah in the form of:
    – social media coverage
    – direct links
    – banner ads
    – sponsored posts
  4. I can be your brand ambassador.
  5. I can write for your website, or you can feature an exisiting post of mine
  6. Make a suggestion! I am open to your ideas.

All prices are negotiable. Please get in touch, I am looking forward to hearing from you and discussing how best I can work for you!


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